If you are excited about your gift, scroll down now to receive my Guided Gratitude Practise!
What comes after the accomplishments, the events or the breakdowns? Sometimes, the next thing feels good, like coming home from work and giving yourself space to relax. Sometimes, it's unhinged, like raiding the fridge after a night out dancing. Life keeps going, like calming down after a holiday while gearing up for the next one.
Being a human on Earth is nonstop. There will always be more to do. Healing is never-ending. The sun always rises again. But with the right attitude, this can be fun. It means the adventure will continue, and there's a sequel to the book waiting for us to enjoy. But from one perspective, it's exhausting, like a never-ending pain or a lesson that keeps relentlessly repeating.
What if we ask ourselves, how much better can it get? Rather than how much worse? How much more can I achieve? Rather than what is left for me to do? These current energies are highly intellectual, and answers to problems can come from a shift in your thinking. It's hard because some of those rhythms of the mind run deep, like songs stuck in our heads that we can't stop humming. The best thing to do is to turn on a new song and force ourselves to listen to something different.
Emotions, feelings, experiences, and lessons are never-ending. Like the ocean, there is much to explore below what we perceive. Underneath the struggles are nuggets of wisdom. Behind the good times are all the painful ones you've had to work through. Like the water within us, life runs deep.
Speaking of water, acknowledging it is somewhere to start. Get in it, listen to the sounds of waves, or have a glass of water. Say thank you to water. A simple thing, like feeling grateful, becomes the new song in our minds. It shifts us from exhaustion to refreshment, moving away from dehydration to feeling nourished enough to complete the next task.
As we near the end of the year and approach the solstice, it is a time of cycles. Maybe things are repeating, or you are jumping off the spiral. Either way, we could feel spun out, needing something to anchor and ground us. Take time to stand still, get your bearings and let the dizziness fade away before trying to rush forward. Remember that life will keep moving, and of course, you've got what it takes to meet the challenges.
A Gift for You: Guided Gratitude Practice
I've felt gushy and grateful this week while looking back at how I have been doing this work for over 13 years. It’s all possible thanks to your support. While you focus on all the gifts you have to buy this season, I have something for you to receive: My Guided Gratitude Practice.
It's a simple, short, but sweet audio file that walks you through one of my favorite techniques to shift stress. Click the link below and select the "Guided Gratitude," thumbnail. You’ll check out for free and receive a direct download via email. And speaking of gifts, you’ll also see my Gift Certificates & Forecast available via the same button.
My 2024 Personalized Forecasts are still available and have been fantastic this year! You can order yours (or a gift for someone) via the button below.
Here's what people are saying about their 2024 Personalized Forecasts:
“I’ve been getting yearly forecasts since 2018 (2019 forecast), and they are always spot on. I usually go back and listen to them throughout the year to see where I’ve been and where I’m headed. In 2023, my reading has been really accurate, and I’m hitting some milestones you said I was going to hit around this time. My 2024 forecast seems to be lining up perfectly with what is percolating right now. I appreciate the insight, and it’s always fun to hear predictions for what’s to come! Thank you”.-Autumn
“Thanks so much for the forecast. As always it is just pure joy to listen to and such a nice help. It makes so much sense”. -Stina
“Thank you always for your energy and gift sharing! I enjoyed this “vitamin C” forecast ‘cause this is what it feels when I receive your information”.-Elizabeth
"Your forecast makes me feel so confident about the year ahead. And so excited - I can't wait for the new year to start! What you said reassured me that my plans are a good fit for the way the energy currents will run. (Plus some surprises that it seems I can look forward to that I didn't expect!) And I feel really positive about aligning and adjusting my projects so I'll get the most support from the stars and the universe. Thank you!" -Kristina