Ever stared at a screen trying to fix a problem but could not find the solution? Have you felt defeated by everything going wrong and abandoned hope that something could go right? Life is full of twists and turns, highs and lows, good and bad. It's impossible to navigate every corner or know which way to go next. If you are on a road trip, there's always space for unexpected stops, detours or surprises. But there are things we can control, like what snacks we have packed for the ride. Which friends are with us, and what songs are we singing along to. It's how we carry ourselves on the journey that makes the difference.
Instead of trying to find solutions, what if we decided that just for today or just for this week, we were going to walk away from the issue? Can we close the screen, put down the phone and unconditionally accept what's in front of us? Can we pause all the solving and press play on the fun? Don't underestimate the power of playfulness right now. Instead of trying so hard, take off and let yourself get messy.
There's a lot about life that can break us down. Destruction, endings and devastation are sadly a note in the song of planet Earth. But, creation is always on the other side of destruction. Yes, things end, but what can we choose to begin again? We each hold the capacity to create. Whether it's poetry, a healthy dinner, a delicious dessert, a cocktail or a screenplay, we get to be the creators. Sure, there are a lot of endings around us, but we also get to birth something new into reality. We do it with every inhale. Every sunrise. Every time we have a conversation, accept a new friend request or try a different hairstyle.
There's magic in the mundane, and so many mini-miracles pass us by if we only focus on what's wrong. We don't have to ignore the struggle, but we can choose to remember our creative power in the midst of it.
I recently watched Daisy Jones and the Six on Prime, and as a massive fan of the book, it didn't disappoint. It's one of those stories that consistently gives me goosebumps and moves me.
The power of creativity in action displayed in the narrative lights me up. We've got troubled people who choose to make something. Who take their pain and create from it. They say the things in their music we are all feeling. And they intimately speak to the masses.
There's a scene where Daisy is struggling. She picks up her journal and starts to write. She speaks about how good writing feels and how she can't stop. From those notes, songs are born that catalyze an adventure for her and all the fans moved by her words. Later in the story, when she starts writing with Billy, another band member, the two of them enter a portal of creation. They write for hours with each other, working on songs that pour through like a waterfall. Both of them struggle with issues in their personal lives, but when they come together to create the music, they can't help but flow.
That's the magic of creation. It makes an opening and moves us from a dense human experience into a lighter one. Lighter doesn't always mean easier, but it does mean more fluid. It means we can move alongside life rather than feeling crippled by it. When we are malleable, we become receptive to solutions we may not see from our rigid perspective. Creativity is medicine just waiting for us to prescribe ourselves.
Making stuff matters. Maybe it's this email I've written, speaking to you somehow. Perhaps it's the bed you made this morning, waiting to welcome you tonight. When we see that being human means being a creator, we can tap into the joys of this experience. We are not responsible for how our creations are received or what others think about them. The idea here is to make something because the process feels good. Some sore, tender spots may be playing out in our lives right now. The best thing we can do is get up and dance, sing, and enter the personalized portal, which opens when we choose to create.
It can be challenging to get moving when we are tired. But these current times aren't asking us to only move externally. Sitting with ourselves, exploring the inner landscapes and resting is ok.
I'll leave you with a quote from my book, Analogies, Energies & Celestial Bodies:
"The planets flow with the force of life, as celestial energies dancing to the tune of this symphony orchestra called the universe. Since we are a part of this universe, we are invited to dance, too. The invitation from the cosmos is an open one, but we must RSVP yes."
Speaking of creating, I am making content beyond these emails for the first time in 2 years, and it feels good! Check out my recent podcast episode here, and read more about my video subscription. Subscribers receive videos to their inbox every other week with analogies for the current energies. Check it out here, or feel free to ask me any questions!
Lastly I have slots open for one on one sessions this summer. Here’s what people are saying about working with me:
"Shannon has helped me discover and maximize the unique lens through which I see the world. I used to struggle with self-sabotage and doubt, and would often just try and push through despite the pain because I thought that was what I had to do in order to have a successful life and business. I always leave a session with Shannon understanding how the energy of the universe is flowing, and I how I can use my free will to integrate with it. As a result, I feel empowered when I used to feel crazy, trusting when I used to be scared, and excited for the future, no matter what it holds. In these crazy times we live in, astrology is a language that we as humans all need to learn to speak. Shannon is my trusted teacher!"
Thanks for the reminder and encouragement! I found the green light—I forgot that the light could be green for a road that I REALLY REALLY don’t want to go down. But the light’s green—it’s my turn. (Definitely gonna need good tunes and good snacks!)