Over the past 3 years, humanity has sorted through a dumpster. A lot of garbage is floating around, which is a tough time for many. You know that saying "darkest before the dawn?" Well, that is definitely relevant right now
If you are happy, rocking and rolling, loving life, don't slow down and think you are doing something wrong. We are all snowflakes with unique experiences. If you're feeling hot, embrace it. But if you're not and feeling like you are drowning in junk, that's ok too. These times are not about throwing everything out or running away from the dump. Instead, treasures are hidden in the rubble, waiting to be discovered.
The trash around us is an upcycling project wanting to happen. What can we reinvent, makeover and give a new coat of paint? It's not about creating something entirely new or starting from scratch (unless you want to). It's about recognizing all the work you've already done. Appreciate the physical, mental and emotional labor you've expended in recent years. You have the resources and capability to revamp what already is, even if your logical mind can't figure it out.
Improvement doesn't have to look like letting go. Here's permission to recycle, not toss everything away. Make something new from what it already is. That will leave you feeling less overwhelmed or less like a failure starting from scratch yet again. And more like a hero who is on an ever-unfolding journey. Use the rubble. Appreciate what you have achieved, and remember you are the dawn. You are the Sun; if it's dark right now, maybe you are just below the horizon. On the brink of a comeback.
The end of January shifts us away from Mars retrograde (ongoing since October 30). That cycle was like being covered in molasses. Or in sinking sand. The sticky vibes are lifting, but we learned something through all of it. We might find life taking us in an entirely new direction. All those plans we made in September or October could be irrelevant now. It's a lesson that change itself is the only thing that doesn't change.
If you're me, this looks like cancelled travel plans and nonrefundable tickets wasted. I've decided to pivot into a more grounded home base. This will allow me to reopen my calendar to the public and start creating more content for all of you. *flips virtual open storefront sign*
Since November, I have been meeting with you individually and loving every second. I took my gift of reading the stars for granted in the past, but now I'm recommitting to showing up for this work. So I've got spots open through May on my calendar, and besides breaks for self-care here and there, I am not planning on closing anytime soon.
Thank you so much for supporting my work. In 2016, when I officially went full-time in this business (after doing it on the side since 2011), my affirmation was, "I am supported while I support others." You have all shown up for me while I show up for you. This is a cheesy moment. Still, I'm feeling all gooey and want to say muchisimas gracias amigos!! (Thank you so so much, my friends).
Shannon - this is so awesome! Congrats on OPENING! :D