October 28th's Lunar Eclipse marks the end of a story but the start of a sequel. What if we close the book, and look forward to reading our heroine's next adventure, instead of grieving the ending? You are the main character and something new is unfolding in your life. Even though grief accompanies big changes; recognize the good surrounding you, too.
Now is the time for feeling happy, for the sun to come out after the rain and a rainbow to emerge across the sky. As the sun shines through the clouds and creates a rainbow, appreciate the storms because without them, there would not be this multi-coloured spectacle.
A quick note, if you are looking for a 2024 Personalized Forecast scroll down to the bottom of this email. Now back to the Eclipse Energy…
There is clarity after confusion. Everything happens for a reason, and now is one of those times where life could become crystal clear, even if nothing made sense a few short months ago. Yet, we have to choose to look forward. We have to close the books we've finshied and head to our local library to check out our next read.
Great authors always incorporate foreshadowing into their novels, and the Universe is no different. Looking back, maybe the signs were there all along. Maybe you've always wanted what’s falling into your lap now. Life is asking you to remain confident and trust you deserve to move towards your desires. For the past 2 years, we’ve been in an Eclipse cycle that had us looking at our fears. We’ve had to go deep into ourselves and acknowledge what's run it's course. Our intuitions were talking to us, guiding us and urging us in a certain direction. Whether it was easy, or terrifying, we listened. As this 2-year cycle closes under the light of October’s Full Moon Eclipse, so does the end of a 19-year era.
What surrounds us now may feel like a big surprise, but then again it's not. What's unfolding has been a long time coming. If we haven’t already done it, the things we know deep down, but probably couldn’t admit to ourselves need to be recognized. Planet Earth is an intense place, but it’s fueled by love and below the surface a creative life-force energy is running the show.
If the past 2 years were confusing, find comfort in knowing our hearts were always leading the way. The vortex in our chest ran the show all along. Which is why we might sense a full circle moment right now. What if you are at the right place, at the right time and surrounded by the right people? The rainbow is shining through the clouds and we start to understand the meaning within ourselves, each other and this wild ride called life.
The current energies are a tad spooky, asking us to look in deep places, which might not be comfy. But remember, a rainbow doesn’t come from clear sunny skies. It's the contrast of light and dark which allows us to shine. The movie, the Sixth Sense keeps coming to my mind. Spoiler alert here, the main character was dead all along. You don't realize it until you reach the plot twist at the end, yet looking back throughout the movie, it makes sense. That’s the current energy, the writing was always on the wall. But it’s scary to admit something is dead just like it's hard for us humans to release a version of ourselves we've outgrown.
2023 brought surprises that weren't really that surprising, because they were destined to occur. 2024 begs us to move forward. It's time to fully accept what's been bubbling below the surface for years and get excited about it, rather than fear it.
From now into the new year, physical reality is morphing and transforming based on our inner shifts. Our identities have evolved and are continuing to change. When we see ourselves differently, our lives subsequently transform. Identity shifts change our experiences and allow us to step into our potential.
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
-Wayne Dyer
Change the way you look at yourself as you move into the end of the year. What if you are a magician, and the spells you cast exist within your thoughts? Alchemy is changing what’s within, and witnessing reality turn to gold. The next book in your era series is just beginning, so there’s no rush. But start today by looking in the mirror. Take in your own eyes, and see the light inside of you. Throughout the past 2 stormy years that light has continued to shine. You earned the rainbows that surround you now, so, of course you deserve to take in the view.
Are you someone who enjoys preparing for the year ahead? Imagine if instead of making resolutions, you could align yourself with the cosmic currents. With my renowned year ahead forecasts, you can do just that. These forecasts will serve as your trusted guide, providing unparalleled clarity on what lies ahead.
Option 1: One-on-One Live 2024 Session
Last year, I introduced these sessions, and the feedback was incredible! I have a limited number of spaces available, so make sure to secure your spot. You can sign up here for either a 30-minute or an hour-long session, where we will explore all things related to 2024. This interactive option allows you to engage with me directly, ask unlimited questions, and delve into the realm of relationships.
Option 2: Recorded 2024 Personalized Forecast
Since 2018, I have been offering recorded audio files (minimum 7 minutes) as personalized forecasts. These forecasts always impress, and I'm confident that this year's edition will be even better. Upon purchase, you will conveniently receive the audio file via email within 2 weeks.
Praise from previous years:
"All I can say is wow! This resonated with me on so many levels".
"WOW!!! Your Forecast once again blew my socks off. I can’t even begin to tell you how much everything you said resonated. It is so interesting the things you picked up on and what you’re moved to say for metaphors".
“Ever year I’m blown away by how spot on your astrology forecasts are. The personal forecast provided me validation, clarity, & understanding of all that I went through in the past year. Additionally, it gave me inspiration & motivation for how to move forward with where I am in life now. I needed both of those things more than I thought I did. I feel almost as if my “spark” is back! Again, I sincerely appreciate the services you provide. You truly have a gift and a special way of helping people understand & find their way”.
Miss seeing my face? I send out a biweekly video subscription to my subscribers. My classic analogies for the current energies style video that sets you up to Make Sense of the Universe.
Plus I’ve started posting regularly on TikTok, you can find me there as @shannonhugmanastrology