Do you ever forget to look at the Moon for weeks on end? Until one day, you round a corner and bam, there she is in all her glory shining down. Leaving you feeling weak in the knees for how beautiful this Universe is?
I love to teach people to follow the cycles and cultivate an energetic awareness. Still, it's ok to forget about what's happening up there because it's constantly unfolding on some level, in here *points to heart*. Sure, that sounds woo-woo, but it becomes literal when we consider that we are all made of stardust. My point is it's entirely alright to mindlessly go with the flow, ignorant of current transits and still be part of the cosmic mosaic.
The upcoming transits are significant events, but I forgot all about them until I sat down to express my wisdom with you lovely people. I'm thankful you're here to follow along because we're in for a treat. This Eclipse will be visible to many of us in North America; check out the Eclipse's path here.
I like to speak in symbols, analogies (as you all probably know) and metaphors. The analogy that's coming up is a Rebellious Teenager. We've got Jupiter changing signs, a Mercury retrograde and a Full Moon Lunar eclipse on the horizon. Let's get into why these all-star archetypes collectively invite us to embrace that teenage attitude.
First off, teenagers are really great at questioning authority, and that's a big theme here. Why do we have to follow the rules? Who wrote the rules? What's the point of a curfew? What are we imposing upon ourselves? Because the authority we're talking about here isn't just external.
As much as we're the teenagers in this analogy, we are also the adults. So many of us know why we follow the rules. We understand and accept why they are in place. But these transits are shaking us up, and those of us afraid of breaking the rules *raises hand* might find these energies uncomfortable. Teenagers often get some reality checks from their parents, and we, too, might experience that. But don't worry, remember what seems unfair to a teenager actually is in their best interest.
We're seeing dynamics play out between the individuals vs the collective. And guess what, you are part of both! It's a fine line to walk, but with some awareness, we can choose to act in integrity with ourselves, our needs and our desires while still respecting the greater good. Conversely, it's not a time to fall into group think or status quo and ignore what we are feeling within ourselves.
Remember, everything I am saying here is symbolic, not literal. And it's definitely not political. You can connect your own dots and attach your own meaning, so maybe it is political or literal in your world, but then again, perhaps it's not.
The other thing about being a teenager is a new sense of freedom. We can drive around, work, earn money and spend it how we choose. We grow into something new and find independence within ourselves. As Jupiter makes its shift in Aries, freedom is a huge theme. I'm sharing all the technical stuff below for those who love the details. In layman's terms, Jupiter shifts once a year, and we experience the larger unfolding of this cycle every 12 years. So, thinking back to what was happening in your world 12 years ago will give you some hints about what's ready to evolve.
Teenagers also think they've got all the answers, or they often seem to have it all figured out. But looking back on my youth, I can safely say I had a lot to learn. That's another theme here, we are invited to change our minds. When you think you've got it figured out, take a deep breath and remind yourself what Socrates said:
“I know only one thing: that I know nothing.”
Mercury retrograde is here to help with that! It's a collective time to shift your ideas, open your minds and realize your brain can only intellectualize the tip of the iceberg. Don't fear Mercury retrograde; that's just hype and only valid if you want to believe it. Yes, things can go wonky, but it's not a doom and gloom dreaded time. Instead, it's about giving yourself lots of space, making room in your days and resisting that human temptation to rush around or rush to conclusions.
Don't forget we've been in the Eclipse tunnel since April 30th. You can read more about why Eclipse Season 2022 matters here.
The best thing you can do with this energy is have fun. Like a teenager, there's a lot of responsibility and reality checks waiting for us to face, but that doesn't mean we have to let it kill our mood. This is a time to celebrate yourself. Give yourself a gift, cut yourself some slack and don't forget the ROI from investing in some good old self-love.
For my fellow students of the stars, below are study notes from my book Analogies, Energies and Celestial Bodies. These aim to help you create your own interpretation of these cosmic cycles.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse connecting with Saturn
Timeline: May 15/16 2022
Last occurred approximately 18-19 years ago
Eclipses Chapter:
"During eclipses, fate intervenes, like a cosmic referee dishing out penalties to players. Oftentimes, we face the consequences of our actions during an eclipse. This could be good or bad, depend- ing on the circumstances. During eclipses, it's helpful to stay in a neutral place versus making judgments on issues of right and wrong, for this allows us to roll with life as it unfolds."
This Eclipse in a Scorpio, so let's check out the Scorpio chapter:
"Scorpio is the detective of the Zodiac. Like an FBI agent, it might find itself in situations that not everyone reacts to comfortably. Going to the murder scene and investigating the dead body is hardly for the faint of heart, but it's necessary to ask questions and collect evidence, if we are to find out who did it. Truth is a major theme in this energy. It's not going to take things at face value; we better believe it will peek below the surface."
Saturn is Squaring this Eclipse, so read the Saturn chapter too:
"This energy is about cause and effect, or as some may think of it: karma. We reap what we sow; we get what we give—but especially when it comes to Saturn. Saturn is the university professor who asks us to put in the time. It's hard to get a college degree without doing any work, and there are always things to accomplish under Saturn's influence."
Jupiter in Aries
Timeline: May 11- October 28 2022 & December 20 2022-May 16 2023
Last occurred 12 years ago
From Jupiter’s chapter:
"Everything we do is a choice. When we're talking about Jupiter, optimism is oxygen. Anything can happen if we believe that it's possible. Even the word "impossible" technically states "I'm possible"; but only when we capitalize "I" and believe that possible applies to us."
Jupiter, the forever upbeat optimist, is moving through Aries to bring good vibes to this area of the Zodiac.
From the Aries chapter:
"Aries is the I AM statement. This energy chooses to fill in the blank and create its own byline, before going out and proving its definition to the
world. Whenever we feel influenced by Aries, we must remain fierce, brave, and ready to take action on our own. Obviously, this doesn't mean that we work without help, but it does require that we rely strongly on ourselves (everyone else is a bonus, but don't worry, we do experience bonuses too)!"
Mercury Retrograde
Timeline: May 10-June 2 2022
Mercury retrograde is a trigger point for many people. There is so much regurgitated information that it's hard to navigate the retrograde cycle, which lasts three weeks and occurs approximately four times a year. So, I've included this handy and retro check-list-crash-course: Moving with Mercury Retrograde.
Moving with Mercury Retrograde A cheat sheet to help you remain optimistic.
All things "RE"
Add your own RE words!
From Earth's perspective, Mercury is heading backwards now.
★ Imagine sitting on a train. The train beside you moves slowly while your train speeds along, making it seem as if the slow train is moving backwards.
★ Here we have the ILLUSION of backwards motion. Everything is still moving forward...
Analogies, Energies & Celestial Bodies is basically a cosmic dictionary (but way more fun to read than websters!). The above are snap shots or starting points. We're talking about space and infinite corners to explore. Grab your companion, dive into the chapters, and see what jumps out to you. What connects and click into place? If you also know your own chart, read the chapters for your house's rules by Scorpio, Aries and Gemini to get a personal touch.
I love the way you unfold the mysteries of the planetary transits! Thank you for posting this!