Feeling charged? Imagine you're a solar panel, and the current energies are beaming some serious power at you. The Sun generates the energy, and we are here taking it all in and then radiating back outwards. Whether it's getting some time in the Sun or taking in the light of the moon, being under the sky is one way to charge up. But even if you stayed inside all month, (which I don't recommend because some fresh air will let out some steam under these pressurized times) you'd still feel the shifts.
Our current state results from our past experiences and actions, meaning we will feel it if our energy is depleted. We are in the process of shifting some long-time patterns, and that requires patience. It's crucial to rest. I'll repeat it: it's critical to rest. How will our batteries recharge if we keep using them?
Maybe you are feeling excited and roaring, ready to go. In this case, congrats!! Ride the waves. Perhaps you are both amped up and drained at the same time. It's a trippy ride out there, and we may have multidimensional experiences.
The key is prioritizing self-care and self-love, then deciding how to use our energy. Are we going to continue with people-pleasing? Will we allow our low self-esteem to dictate how much we give away? This energy unfolds in an area of the Zodiac (Aries) concerned with the self. It's not just a fluffy inspiration meme these days. It's a lifeline.
Love yourself.
Care for yourself.
Give yourself what you need.
Ask yourself, "What lights me up?". There's a reason you feel that way. Go after that heat and fan your flame. Move towards creating; where do you want to use this power? Where do you want to generate electricity, solar panel style? This energy can be destructive if we don't keep ourselves in check. Take it easy because this charged-up energy also borders on rage. It's OK to be mad; you probably have every right to be, but unloading or projecting right now could make everything messier. There will be a time for accountability, and those who have hurt us will face their pain, but right now, we are working out some kinks within ourselves. Like a twisted garden hose, if we try to turn on the water in full force, it won't flow. Let's unwind and unwrap our pipes, energy and inner rivers, then let it rip (ideally later in April or May).
I recently attended a meditation where we talked to our hearts and asked them what they needed. My heart asked me not to move too fast or get upset. I felt the energy of a child who doesn't want her parents to rush into the principal's office, complaining because that will make it harder for the child. Yes, we are mad; we have so many reasons to be, but rushing to solve the problem, especially from a place of anger, could hurt the sensitive parts of ourselves.
But recently, I ignored my heart's advice. I reacted with fear and ignored my heart's guidance. It got messy, and I caused myself unnecessary pain. But everything does happen for a reason, and sometimes volatility is the wake-up call we need. If you're like me and learning from recent mistakes, trust that the path forward is paved with forgiveness, especially for yourself.
For those who like the details, we've got the Sun moving through Aries, Eclipse season and a mercury retrograde blessing us throughout the next few weeks. There's lots of room to be flexible, to bend and twist. Remember, if you feel like things are unravelling, it's just the hose getting ready for a steady flow; there is no need to force, even when tempted. Give yourself some space, and give some to others, too. Check back in a couple of weeks to see if you still want to complain to the principal, and if so, then storm on in.
“These pages are dedicated to all those who look upwards and inwards. To those who stop scrolling to watch my videos and read my words, to all of my followers online, to every person with whom I’ve had the opportunity to connect, and for every chart I have ever read.”
Above is the dedication from my book, Analogies, Energies & Celestial Bodies, which is now 4 years old, but it’s as relevant as ever. To celebrate the Ebook is now 50% the original price on Amazon. Thank you all so much for being here!
It's been a year since I launched my video subscription here on Substack. I want to acknowledge all my subscribers. You allow me to do this work and thank you doesn't cut it. To learn more about my bi-weekly analogies for the current energies vids, read below or respond to this email with your questions. Actually, feel free to reply to any of my emails with any questions or shares, I love hearing from you!