Energy vampires are out there right now, hanging around and draining us until we cannot help but say NO more. Being a human on planet Earth is 99% learning to maintain our personal space and take ownership of the frequency we are emitting. But that's easier said than done when it's vampire season, and lately, they are thirsty.
Have you felt them knocking, trying to drain and pull you down? Let's begin by rephrasing and rethinking just who these thirsty siphons are. When we hear the term energy vampire, that evokes a powerful image, they must be robust, scary and a severe threat. What if they're as dangerous as we believe them to be. What if they aren't actually vampires but more like mosquitos. Their blood-sucking is still annoying and definitely felt. But less deadly. Guess what else? They're smaller than us. We can swat them away, repel them with spray, or even install a screen door that completely ruins their game.
The energy has been muggy, moist and humid, metaphorically speaking. That emotional climate is a soggy place, and a breeding ground for draining misquotes. I once read that people who get bit a lot have a pheromone that attracts bugs. Essentially they are sweeter. Isn't that the case when it comes to manipulators or users? They are attracted to the sweetest of us all. Those of us with feel-good, bright, shiny and irresistible energy. It can be overwhelming for us tasty ones, but it doesn't mean we are doing anything wrong. If anything, we are doing something right, but we just need to up our defence.
Vampires aren't real. Still, those mosquito bites we have might be itchy now, but they will heal. Now is the time to be proactive, get ahead of the mosquitoes, and install screens on our doors and windows. Airflow can still move through a screen. We don't have to shut ourselves off or close to the world. We don't have to hide away and give up breathing fresh air. We deserve a breeze; with the proper screen, we get that freshness without anyone tagging along.
This isn't about shielding or blocking them out because that gives them too much power. We don't have to shrink away from them. Instead, we can add to our energy. For me, sea salt works wonders. I put that stuff everywhere, along my property line, a dash in my water, the bathtub, over my shoulder, the list goes on and on. It could be essential oils or time with your feet on the ground. Or curling up with a cup of tea and a fiction book. The key is adding something to our experience that illuminates our energy and lifts us up. It doesn't shield, block or make us smaller.
Think about a candle that expels darkness just by being itself. That's you. That's me. That's us together. Think of all the flames that can be lit by one candle. Imagine the impact your energy has on the collective. You're unstoppable. Even though it's dark right now, there's a reason you are where you are, doing what you are doing. Get some lotion on those bites, do some scratching here and there, and remember, it's easy to swat away those pesky bugs. They've got nothing on us.
*An important caveat to this week's email. If you are in a toxic relationship causing harm, then the analogy of this email doesn't apply. It's important to block, remove and protect yourself from an abusive person.
These current energies show the impact other people have on us. Yes, that can mean seeing where we are drained but it’s also turning to others for inspiration or support. Humans are team players and we don’t have to do it all alone. During these time it’s important to reach out to people we trust, who uplift us and refresh our energy.
I’m open for sessions if you are craving some cosmic inspiration and alternative perspective to help you move forward.
“BRILLIANT, DIRECT, COMPASSIONATE, FUNNY, GROWTH-ORIENTED!!!!Shannon is beyond gifted in her ability to so clearly describe the lessons and opportunities reflected in our charts, but what I always appreciate the most is her ability to share action steps—how do we use this information—in positive, accessible ways. Her compassion is always clear in her humor and her examples. A reading from Shannon has become my ‘go to’ whenever I am feeling stuck in my emotional growth and I always get what I need to move forward!”
I love the idea that energy vampires are mosquitoes!! Haha
Yep. Energies have been crazy these days!