Does it feel like you've undergone purification, transformation, and regeneration since March? Astrologically speaking, we're in a whole new world, and like Ariel, we're figuring out how to use our new legs. It's ok to stumble, and it's completely understandable if you can't run forward just yet. Integration and patience are key.
To date, 2024 has been a healing journey. Healing is cyclical and never ends. We are constantly changing, growing, and learning something new. But the recent energies were a unique blend of intensity, so you deserve to take a deep breath.
Change and transformation are natural. According to WebMD, our skin regenerates itself every 27 days. Not only have we changed on the inside, but the outside has changed, too. As the intensity of the past few weeks subsides, let's nourish ourselves with some exfoliation and mindfully care for our skin. Lots of moisturizers and protection are in order.
You wouldn't let a baby hang out in direct sunlight, and we need to shield these new versions of ourselves, too. In a way, we are learning how to function in a new reality; the integration may take time. We've moved through some massive cycles; it has been anything but standard issue transits lately. As the current energies change, we can shift our approach towards life. Celebrate your journey. Acknowledge the pains. Be gentle with yourself.
As we move forward, there's excitement in the air, but remember, don't run outside without protecting this fresh version of yourself. It could be staying hydrated or sticking to a meditation practice. It could be not taking things personally or just listening to music regularly. The idea is to connect to ourselves, tune into our needs and commit to fulfilling them.
I recently attended a workshop which explored the origins that fuel self-defeating behaviours. There, I experienced the power of our humanity. Each of us has an innate strength, one that keeps us alive. We use this power to protect ourselves and create realities, but we often react to the external world. How many times have you felt at odds with life? Or another person, like it's you versus them? There's a whole world out there that will challenge us, and often, we abandon ourselves too.
If we align with ourselves, the Universe can take care of everything else. If we genuinely decide to have our own backs, then we've got an ally in this game of life. This isn't a fluffy or woo-woo spiritually bypassing approach. We create our realities based on the subconscious. Aligning ourselves means going through our inner swamps. It means sorting through the storage unit that is our subconscious mind and all the things we've collected over the years. It means walking through the mud to get to the lotus. Being on our own team means acknowledging and accepting all our parts.
Right now, future versions of ourselves are looking back at us. They're inviting us to empty out the old to fill up with new satisfaction. We are the container. Of everything that has occurred in our lives, the common denominator is us.
You are always there alongside you; you always have been and always will be. In a way, you are your future self. You can tap into them now. Sure, there might be stuff cluttered between where you are now and where you want to be, but we all are on the way. Tapping into your feelings and what you need to feel your best paves the way for what's coming next.
Healing never stops, but neither does creation. You're alive for a reason; it's not a mistake you've made this far. When we align with the power of life, the path forward becomes less lonely and much more exciting. Here's your reminder to keep going; you can do this! And know our future selves are beaming, thinking about all the blessings in store as we move forward in this new skin.
Creating astrology content for the past 13 years is the best part of my story. Thank you for being here and receiving my contribution to humanity. My new skin is more motivated than ever before to show up and make sense of the Universe. If you want to dive deeper, I've got openings on my calendar for one-on-one sessions, with lots of availability for North American and European time zones.
I'm also jazzed about my video subscription here on Substack; every other week, I send out a video (and transcript) of a analogy for the current energies. I never plan how those symbols will play out, but they have been on point! Read more about my video subscription here if you want to see more from me and support my work.
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Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash
So on point for how I've been feeling. A little delicate, a little new, a little wobbly-legged, but with so much work in the rear view and so much potential on the horizon...
Thank you for your words. 💖
Amazing. I love the analogy of not taking a newborn out into the sun! Thanks so much Shannon!