Do you sense you're here for something greater? That you are a part of a movement washing through planet Earth? You’re a mover and a shaker. You didn’t incarnate to sit back and let old stories repeat. You came here to be the change, to make a difference and to help a lot of people along the way.
There’s a new timeline, a new narrative, and a new era unfolding on planet Earth. Still, it’s okay to be tired. It's normal to feel like you've worked so hard to be the difference but now just need a break. It's okay to accept things as they are, at least for the moment.
Many of us have been at it for months, years, even decades. We've paved the way for a new kind of existence. A new meaning to what it means to be a human, and what is possible for humankind. Maybe we’ve been at this for lifetimes.
The point is it’s okay to be tired, it’s natural and important. We're kidding ourselves if we keep gritting our teeth, believing we must single-handedly save the world. These massive planetary shifts take a village, it takes the collective, it takes a team. You, me and everyone else is a cherished member of this team. If you are burnt out, ask yourself where are you carrying too much. Where can you lean on another person? How can you stop believing you must give everything to everyone else?
So many of us, including myself, are afraid. It's time to remember we aren’t alone. Everybody is scared. No one knows what the future holds, but if we trust that we’re in it together the exhaustion has a little room to unwind. Let's give ourselves some space to just be.
From 2023 through to 2025, Saturn is transiting Pisces and it’s dousing planet Earth in a high vibrational energy. These frequencies make us more sensitive and soft. We need to be gentle and easy with ourselves. It’s non-negotiable. But we also have to stop believing it’s us against the world. Or that we have to change the world. Instead, can see that we are the world? And when we change ourselves Earth simultaneously changes too. This cycle occurs every 28-30 years. It’s an opportunity to build a relationship with our soul, our spirit and our hearts.
Who are the people who leave you feeling nourished? Hold onto them. Who leaves you feeling drained? Take space from them. You are extra sensitive right now and your emotional responses are teaching you important lessons on where to invest, and where to pull out.
What brings you closer to that feeling of wholeness? Move towards that. Your team is here supporting you. Maybe your team is animals, places in nature or butterflies. Maybe a good cooked meal leaves you feeling nourished. Maybe it’s meditation or yoga. Maybe it’s silence, or binge-watching a series on Netflix.
If we keep carrying everyone else, they can't learn to walk. It’s time to step away from being exclusively a teacher and understand we're also students. It’s normal to not know everything. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed and afraid. It’s the perfect place to be right now because it means you're open to the next chapter. Pretending you have it all figured out is lying to yourself. Let others help you, but also use your own two feet and support yourself as you walk forward.
This next chapter is not about sacrifice, because sacrifice lends to the belief of separation. It means that I have to give you something because you are outside of me, and in turn, there won't be any left for me. These times are about merging with our desires and knowing when I win, you win; because on some atomic level, we are all connected. We are all made of stardust, we are all formed from some cosmic playdough that’s continually recycling itself into new shapes and forms. It can be pretty messy, but it’s also super fun when we let ourselves melt and transform.
On October 14 and October 28, there are two powerful Eclipses, I’ll be popping in with more emails regarding the specifics of these symbols in the weeks ahead. But for now, here's an excerpt from my book, Analogies, Energies & Celestial Bodies:
As we pass between eclipses themselves, we move through something called the Eclipse Tunnel; however, the energy and themes are present for the following six months, until the next eclipse season rolls in and changes our direction. Eclipse season is a time of alignment, where the lunar-subconscious energy and solar-conscious energy get together for their bi-annual meeting. Here, they lay everything out and ensure that we’re on the same page
The Eclipse season from October 14th through to October 28th wants us to merge and align with our deepest selves. With our core desires, with our souls and with the people who see us on that level. It’s coming in hot, but you’ve got everything you need to handle it.
I’m currently open for one on one sessions, book yours at
More good news! My personalized year-ahead forecasts are launching later this month. I have been offering these since 2018, and I am excited to say they will be back to set you up for 2024! Keep your eye out for an email later this month with the link to purchase. Or, respond to this update and tell me how excited you are, and I’ll add you to a list to make sure you get notified ASAP.
If you want to make even more sense of the universe, check out my bi-weekly videos here, or click the subscribe now button below!
Oh Shannon - this felt like you were talking DIRECTLY to me!!!! <3 Bless you sweet soul! Thank you!! xo
Thank you Shannon. Needed this message this morning. I've been thinking of you hope you are well.🙏🏼🌈🧡