The cosmic cauldron is brewing as October kicks off with a Full Moon. Before getting into any symbolism, my main message is: look up at the Moon. See that bright star beside her? That’s Jupiter!
Yes, I love talking about the Universe and it’s symbolism, but lately just looking at the sky and tracking the physical celestial bodies has quenched my star child thirst. Do you feel the magic of gazing at the stars? Can you let their light dance with the stardust within your cells? Sure, you could read all the horoscopes and watch all the forecasts, but don’t forget to look up and take it all in.
Now that you’ve had a PSA to look at the Full Moon and Jupiter, let’s move along and explore the symbolism of these times.
Navigating the Current Celestial Changes
Change, it's the only constant on Earth, yet it is the toughest to accept. It's exhilarating but terrifying. It's autumn in the northern hemisphere, and the trees teach us to let go. The leaves tell us it's natural to transform, and the cozy October aesthetic shows it can be enjoyable.
We measure years and months by the calendar. Maybe we catalogue the good or bad days and use them as passing time markers. The ancient Egyptians used the sky as their clock and the stars like hands moving cyclically. Here's an invitation for us to do the same.
Eclipse Seasons
There are infinite ways to look to the heavens to track the cycles. The Full Moon is one example. Eclipses are another.
"Eclipses occur in batches, which are also called eclipse seasons. One eclipse will often be followed by another eclipse occurring two weeks later, and this can feel like travelling on a high-speed train. We're only passengers, and life can fly by pretty fast. Our best bet is to allow ourselves to become passengers instead of desperately trying to steer the train in the direction of our dreams. These eclipse seasons occur approximately every six months, meaning that we are assigned a new lesson from the universe twice every year." -Analogies, Energies & Celestial Bodies by Shannon Hugman
Every six months, the Eclipses offer a chance to recap where we have been and decide what's next. Collectively, stagnant energy has pulled us inwards, but now we are invited to emerge. How do we navigate these changes? How can we feel comfortable with change? In the spirit of knowing there's no one answer to this question, let's use our imaginations and envision life as a series of road trips.
Play with me here, and think back to April and May 2022. Pretend back then, you arrived at a destination, parked your car, unloaded your suitcase and settled in. Maybe you met new people or started something different. Perhaps everything felt the same outside, but something inside of you was changing.
After stopping your car, you put it in parked, gathered your things, locked it up and made your way inside this destination. Over the past six months, you've explored this place's cracks and corners. You developed relationships, let some go and made space for new ones. You read some epic books, learned something new and applied that knowledge. All in all, it's been a trip.
Moving Into a New Eclipse Season
After six months, a new series of Eclipses are emerging. You now look out the window and see your parked car. It's calling you, and it misses you. It's ready to start up and take you someplace else. Your mind looks around and thinks, "no thanks, it's easier just to stay here," but your heart is excited at the thought of a new adventure. You check out your calendar and realize you've all the time in the world. There's no reason to rush and frantically pack up your things, hastily choosing a new destination and speeding there. No, you've got space. Room to decide what's next, but more importantly, a chance to take in what's around you now.
How this story unfolds is up to you. Maybe you leisurely scroll through travel groups online or pick up a fictional series, and discover new worlds on its pages. Change is inevitable, but we don't have to get taken out by it. Choose to stop and slow down; regardless of what the mind screams. The external world is frantic, and if we chase it down, we’ll only find more to chase. Ultimately we don't have a choice but to slow down. We must sleep every night and reset, just like our iPhones. Choose to recharge on your terms.
When you are ready for that next adventure and leaving in your car, there is still a need for less speed. First, we have to put our keys in the ignition. Next, we check our mirrors and take in our surroundings. Rushing out of our parking spot puts others in danger. Why not take the time to put on our fav podcast or music before we start driving? Instead of trying to do that while handling the wheel and, again, risking danger. The slow path is the safest, and it also feels the yummiest.
"Slowing down helps us to eliminate some of the stress in our lives. While it can't eliminate stress, it can significantly lower what we're currently experiencing, which reduces the symptoms that we feel as well."
While the celestial cycles stir up the cosmic cauldron we live in, remember you can dial down the speed. Take it slow, take in your surroundings, cherish where you have been and have patience while you choose what's next.
Speaking of change, we are gearing down to enter a new calendar year. Which means it’s time for 2023 Personalized Forecasts! If you know, you know!
The 2023 Personalized Forecasts are going to be the best ones yet because I am opening up my calendar to one-on-ones for the first time in over 18 months.
Sessions are limited, I am only offering one session per day. As a subscriber are getting early access to the calendar.
Sliding scale options are available for those with financial barriers, shoot me an email ( if that’s you.
My calendar might look wide open with lots of times available, but once someone books in that day it will disappear from the calendar.
Live sessions are recorded and you receive the recording afterwards via email.
Praise from previous years:
"All I can say is wow! This resonated with me on so many levels".
"WOW!!! Your Forecast once again blew my socks off. I can’t even begin to tell you how much everything you said resonated. It is so interesting the things you picked up on and what you’re moved to say for metaphors".
“Ever year I’m blown away by how spot on your astrology forecasts are. The personal forecast provided me validation, clarity, & understanding of all that I went through in 2020-2021. Additionally, it gave me inspiration & motivation for how to move forward with where I am in life now. I needed both of those things more than I thought I did. I feel almost as if my “spark” is back! Again, I sincerely appreciate the services you provide. You truly have a gift and a special way of helping people understand & find their way”.