Do you feel like you're floating in some void between an old life and a new one, with no idea where this could take you? Are you surprisingly excited about it all? Maybe it's just me, but in the past, these energies would have me reaching for the steering wheel, attempting to control my direction. But lately, I've realized, what's the point?
If we put pressure on ourselves to make the correct turn, white knuckles on the wheel, our tight grip will leave us exhausted whichever way we choose. Or we could allow the wheel to move gently through our hands, taking us in our desired direction. Not to mention, we can always make a U-turn if needed.
Even more so, these current energies ask us to leave the car and go home. They ask us to settle into ourselves and find comfort in a tiny thing like feeling our feet on the Earth or showering. Self-care goes a long way when we are in these watery times. A lot is not up to our control, but how we treat ourselves is.
We're in a cocooning period, and it's between us and ourselves. This isn't about anyone else; it's a time of being a caterpillar and metamorphosing. The process of transformation is well underway. At this point, we've formed our new wings. We're huddling up in the cocoon for a few more moments, anticipating our emergence.
People often use the butterfly analogy to describe transformation, which is a relevant theme for 2024. But as we enter the second half of the year, I want to remind you what happens next: butterflies migrate in groups.
I googled "what do you call a group of butterflies," and the answer is a kaleidoscope. That could not be more perfect for these current energies. Firstly, these are trippy times, and a lot is happening, with many angles and perspectives to explore. It's dizzying, yet full of color. It's a masterpiece when we unfocus our eyes instead of zoning in on the details. I refer to the cosmic energy within us as a kaleidoscope of energy. We're just a bunch of mirrors, colors and changing patterns at the end of the day, and our beauty is amplified as we emerge from these cocoons.
The Universe is giving us an opportunity to be personal with ourselves right now, but a by-product of that is feeling alone. If it's too much to handle, envision all the other cocoons out there—all the other people who are right where you are, where we are, in the dark, forming new wings and getting ready to find each other.
When I question what's coming next, I remind myself how a butterfly's migration is a natural process. It's wired into their DNA; they just know where to go and they do it together. These are intense and potentially isolating times, but we aren't alone; we are on the cusp of an exciting adventure. I used to live in a town along the monarch's migration route, and let me tell you how many freaking butterflies there were. There were so many, to the point it looked like an infestation.
My point is there are swarms of people are out there waiting to find us, ready for us to emerge and show off our fancy new wings. Before we know it, we'll be soaring above all of this, grateful for the process that led us here and free to let the wind take us where we're meant to be.
My summer has been full of epic one-on-one sessions. Want to align with universal principles, master your Universe, and have a lot of fun? Then my calendar is calling you, and I have lots of availability for North American and European time zones.
I can feel so many people are in their cocoons, making me want to spread this reminder of the migration message. Feel like you want to share with some potentially random person on the internet ? Respond to this email, I would love to hear from you.