
A Currency Exchange Booth

An analogy for the current energies beginning April 18th

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The analogy for these current energies is a currency exchange booth. You see them at airports and at different places. Let’s get into this because there's a lot of astrological transits happening since the end of March. At the end of this video, I'm going to talk about those specific transits, but I want to get into this analogy first.

Picture a currency exchange booth. The first thing I think about is that there's lots of numbers and digits, right? I'm also picturing, maybe I'm getting mixed up here with a stock exchange, but there's like a ticker that's moving? Because currency exchanges are in flux are going to switch at least on a daily basis.

There's a stimulation here. There's lots of change. And there's a lot of energy. We've got a very stimulated energy with a lot of things happening right now. Because if you think about that currency exchange booth, not only is it exchanging for many different currencies, but there's a lot of factors that go into the value of each currency, right? How much the Hungarian currency is has to do with the whole country and a whole bunch of policies and a whole bunch of economics. How much the Nicaraguan currency, is same thing within that different country.

These different parts of the world have so much going on, but it's this currency exchange booth centre where we can take the Nicaraguan currency, and we can trade it in for that Hungarian currency.

It's this meeting point of all this change that we find ourselves.

There's so many different factors that are almost all really coming into this point in time. It's a lot, right? It's a stimulating energy. There's a lot of energy, but there's also a theme here of interactions. It's an exchange. There's lots of different factors and lots of different things happening at once.

I even want to use the word multiple dimensions that we're interacting with in this energy because a village in Hungary is almost like a different dimension than a village in Nicaragua. But there's going to be underlying themes because at the end of the day, we're all human. I feel like that's what these current energies are about, especially because have this Taurus heavy energy coming in and Taurus rules the earth.

It doesn't matter how different our experiences are. At the end of the day, we can come together and exchange in this moment by saying, hey, you're human and I'm human. Your feet are on the earth, my feet are on the earth. Without the oxygen. Without the water, you'll die. And I'll die without either of those things as well.

We're coming into these points of congruence. These things that are extremely different or extremely vast are coming into alignment. It's this place, this moment in time where we can find an interaction with all that is. This is happening on a collective level, but could also be happening within yourself.

We could be piecing together a past version of yourself with a future self. It could be ancestral. This could be about something your ancestors went through that you want to break so that you don't pass it on to your children. Or it could be happening in your meditation and you connect with something that feels like a higher power. Ultimately it's this place of interactions and exchanges.

Another factor here is this idea of trading something in. If I bring my US dollar and I want to trade it in for Euros, I'm bringing something to the table.

We have Uranus and Jupiter coming together in Taurus. This is the first time this has happened in 14 years. It's the first time it's happened in Taurus since the 1940s.

So, we have this ability to exchange something here. And I keep feeling this idea of exchanging pain for power. Choosing to exchange something that feels dense or isn’t serving us anymore.

If I have my US dollars, but if I'm leaving the US and I'm going to Europe, well, it's not really going to serve me anymore to carry that currency. It's just going to be taking up this extra space in my wallet and my budget.

When I mention pain, I do feel like there is a level of density to this energy because Taurus, like I said, it's ruled by the earth. And pain is a big part of the human experience, right? Our bodies can feel so much pain, being human can really hurt. Right now, can we look at the things that we're carrying, the currencies that we're carrying and ask ourselves, is it really serving us?

Because we can exchange it for something different. We can exchange it for something valuable. That pain I am carrying, can it be exchange it into something that will make me feel more powerful? I wouldn't try to spend a US dollar in a foreign country. So, maybe I don't have to keep trying to spend my pain and instead I'm going to exchange it.

Where is the currency booth?

It's us within ourselves.

Another factor here is that there's different values, right? One currency is worth something different than something else. And we get to decide what are we valuing. Where are we putting that value?

Finally, exchange is about transformation. Things are transforming. We can alchemize something into something else.

What is a currency anyways? Currency is about worth, right? It's about value. It's our value that's transforming. It's what we give and how much we receive coming into balance. Because if I'm going to go sell my US dollar at the exchange and they only give me half of what it's worth, well, then I'm going to say, wait a minute, the numbers up there say I should be getting this much.

Where in our lives are we getting ripped off?

There's gonna be certain ways that we lowball ourselves or we undervalue ourselves and we're settling to buy a currency at par when it's actually worth more. This transformative energy comes down to our value, our worth.

What currency are you using? Because if you're using a currency that's not serving you anymore, maybe it's an old story and you want to swap it out and you want to exchange it for something different. We get to choose the value we give these experiences around us. And can we give that value, based on how relevant the currency is to our life.Maybe instead of having X amount of US dollars, I'm going to buy a plot of land instead, because that’s more aligned with my goals and desires.

It's a heightened energy.

This is a heightened energy and it's about many factors interacting with each other to come together, to transform, to alchemize, to give, but to receive in balance and harmony and to really choose the value of what is relevant to us and know that you could use one currency and I could use something different and that guy over there could use a whole different system.

And it's still okay because we can all come together in these moments of time in these human bodies on this planet and interact and exchange thanks to the currency booth.

Here’s some technical stuff: We have Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus coming together April 20th, 21st, depending on where you are in the world. This is what I was talking about first time in 14 years.

We've got a full moon on April 23rd, squaring Pluto, which brings in another level of transformation. And then we have the sun moving into Taurus, which again, just really brings us into this like grounded human body of like what's really important. But that's also where we may meet some of that pain and that density, which ideally we want to convert into something that becomes a fuel.

Thanks everybody for being here. I appreciate each of you and let me know if you have any questions.

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