I love the horizon. It’s the best place to cultivate a relationship with the celestial bodies. Watching them rise and dip out of view is a reference point, illustrating that the world’s spinning around. Especially at sunrise or sunset, the horizon is a magical space to track celestial cycles and feel them as reflections of the stardust within you.
I watch the sun rise from the Atlantic Ocean when I'm in Florida. In Nicaragua I watch it set into the Pacific. Even though they are different coasts the view of the sun and the ocean look the same. I only know one is the beginning of a new day and the other an ending because of the meaning assigned to my surroundings.
Paradoxically, dawn has the same colourful hues as dusk. When it come to these current energies there’s a lot of confusion in these twilight zone vibes. We’re evolving into uncharted territory. It’s a period of initiation, bringing a whole new day while simultaneously ending another.
So, the question becomes, what information do we have? Which way are we facing? What can we work with here? What ocean is this?
We must get our bearings first because forcing ourselves forward during sunset won’t serve anyone. We have to let things end, which takes time. Grief isn’t linear, but neither are life’s cycles and seasons. It’s appropriate to feel drained or afraid. If we allow those experiences to be there, they’ll unwind, weave, and evolve.
Everyone alive on Earth is an initiate because we’ve all signed up for this rollercoaster, gong show, chaotic yet divinely orchestrated experience. Life’s a tapestry. One side all knotted up; the other a piece of art. Like the sunrise/sunset, it comes down to where we’re looking.
It’s a time for endings and beginnings. Change is happening. For these movements to gain momentum, we have to evolve the conversation. Starting within our minds and then taking these words out into the world.
Do we want to carry a bad day into tomorrow? Or can we let the sun disappear? Can we enter the night? Can we feel our feelings and process our grief? So, when the sun rises, we’re open to new experiences. The willingness to go through the darkness of the night is what leads us to the brilliance of the dawn.
What if nothing is as it seems and everything is a learning opportunity? What if we can playfully question what currently is and dream of what could be?
When we strictly move forward on a perdetermined route, roadblocks become sources of pain. We find peace in the winding roads when we allow life to evolve beyond our current understanding.
This is where connecting to the stars and celestial bodies helps put things into perspective.
Look at the sky.
Remember that you are made of stardust.
Choose to move cyclically.
Live cosmically.
On March 14th, we have a visible Lunar Eclipse in many parts of the world. Also, in the coming weeks, we’ll see Venus shining in the west. If you want to track her retrograde with your eyes, notice how she moves a little closer to the western horizon every night. Then, when the retrograde ends in April, she’ll move away from it. Mercury retrograde also makes an appearance near Venus. These visible celestial events allow us to develop a personal relationship with the cosmos.
Eclipse season, (March 14-29) is like a train pulling up to a station. It’s a time of alignment when the sun, moon, and earth come together along an axis. In a sense, we’re at a cosmic railway crossing.
Stop, pause, and allow the Universe to have the right of way. Don’t worry about missing out. We all have a ticket to the train. That’s why we incarnated during these evolutionary times. We don’t have to have all the answers, and we don’t have to rush to conclusions. Instead, carve out a sacred space for yourself to watch the celestial bodies rise and set. Get curious and stay playful.
Moving forward in new ways isn’t always easy, but when it feels right, there’s nothing better. My work aims to evolve converstions and invite you into alternate experiences.
With that intention, I’m creating a course for the first time since 2018. I’m using italics, because what I’m creating doesn’t feel like a course.
It’s an initiation, an adventure and a communion with life. I’ve been testing out the content for years. What happens when we live cosmically is magic. And I don’t know how to sell that. At the same time, I have something valuable to share, which deserves some type of exchange.
So, here I am, taking my advice and getting curious rather than forceful. I’m pondering and imagining how fun it could be.
How satisfying?
How easy?
How successful?
How will it help others?
How will it change me?
I am currently pondering these questions so I don’t revert to the stressed-out launches that caused me to stop my online courses entirely. I know an alternative experience is possible; it’s happening and a done deal. I just don’t know how, yet. But it feels right, and I’m here for it. Stay tuned for more, or respond to this email you’re interested in hearing when it’s ready.
What in your life are you doing differently?
What feels right?
What’s evolving?
Now is the time to ask these questions and listen to our imaginations. Sharing with others always makes it more fun, so I would love to hear your answers in the comments or reply to this email.
Last week, I sent out a forecast for the current energies (normally exclusive to paid subscribers). Check it out below…
“A million times THANK YOU! This was so magical! This was everything! You are gifted beyond words!”
“It was beautiful listening to your words; they made me feel so seen and understood. Above all, I think you’ve given me so much hope and reassurance in whatever I do in life, and I am so grateful to have gotten this reading from you.”
Looking up at the night sky, it’s not so hard to imagine that there could be more to life than meets the eye. Taking in the great expanse of the universe opens up new doors in our lives and minds. -Analogies, Energies & Celestial Bodies
To celebrate my book's fifth birthday, it’s on sale for $11.11 on Amazon
Photo by Devon Janse van Rensburg on Unsplash