Have you ever felt like you could laugh hysterically about a situation or break down and cry instead? Energetically, we face new horizons and must let go of the past. But how we do that is a whole other story. Grieving brings tears, but isn't it interesting that a deep laugh will initiate that same physical reaction of watery eyes?
So, if you don't want to cry anymore but are still faced with all the feelings, try laughing at life. What if it is just some cosmic joke, a paradox created to get us to the point where we surrender and admit that we have no idea what's going on with anything? From there, we can experience innovation and solutions.
Humans are naturally stubborn because we fear change and want to hold on. But if we look at the nature of life, like the seasons, everything is constantly changing. Isn't it funny how hard we hold on? What a joke that these attachments, in the end, create our suffering. I mean, yes, the reality of the human experience could make me break down in tears, but now I'd rather laugh while I work my way through it.
The thing about humour is that it still delivers the truth. We aren't avoiding the reality of what's happening by adding laughter into the mix; instead, we are giving our emotions an alternative outlet. We allow our human selves to look at what's happening while simultaneously detaching and not taking it all so seriously.
There might be situations around you that aren't funny, and I am not advocating to push yourself to ignore a grief that still needs to cry. But after you cry and let it all out, maybe throw on your favourite comedian, watch a funny movie or laugh alongside a baby. The adage laughter is medicine is so potent right now because we've all been on a journey and need some replenishment before the next round begins.
Speaking of the next round, we're entering a new cycle regarding Pluto that occurs every 300+ years. It's pivotal and exciting but also means an old chapter is ending. This transit closes out a cycle which began in 2008. Can you look back and find some humour in the past 15 years? Maybe it's a joke to see where you ended up because it's completely different from where you began. Perhaps some things used to concern you, but now it's just funny you cared so much. Not taking ourselves seriously, especially our suffering, allows room for life to show up. It leaves space for surprises but, most importantly, solutions. And if humanity is ready for one thing, it's resolutions.
I just opened new slots for 2024 Personalized Sessions!
These are so rewarding I want to offer more opportunities for you to book. Thanks to everyone who has signed up and been a part of the fun!
If you are interested in 2024 Personalized Forecasts, but have questions, feel free to respond to this email, or comment below. This year I am offering two options:
Option 1: One-on-One Live 2024 Session
Last year, I introduced these live sessions, and the feedback was incredible! I have a limited number of spaces available, but have just opened up a new group of times, so make sure to secure your spot. You can sign up here for either a 30-minute or an hour-long session, where we will explore all things related to 2024 (or anything you desire because these readings are 100% personalized). This interactive option allows you to engage with me directly, ask unlimited questions, and delve into the realm of relationships.
Option 2: Recorded 2024 Personalized Forecast
Since 2018, I have been offering recorded audio files (minimum 7 minutes) as personalized forecasts. These forecasts always impress, and I'm confident that this year's edition will be even better. Upon purchase, you will conveniently receive the audio file via email within 2 weeks.
Praise for my 2024 Personalized Forecasts:
“You’re a world class star! We are lucky to have you!”
“It was beautiful listening to your words; they made me feel so seen and understood. Above all, I think you’ve given me so much hope and reassurance in whatever I do in life, and I am so grateful to have gotten this reading from you"
"I’ve been meaning to send you a heartfelt thanks since my 2024 Personalized Forecast arrived with me; I listened again today and wanted to express my gratitude! I could listen to you talk all day because you describe things in such a way that it all makes perfect sense to me"
“My 2024 personalized forecast arrived in perfect timing today. It brought tears to my eyes because it was a confirmation of what I’ve been feeling/know in my soul/spirit. It’s given me confidence to not rush, be patient and hopeful. Stay focused on my daily activities and know that the goals I have are in alignment!! Thank you so much”
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Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash